Kép / Image menu

Jóváhagyás / Approve command
Forrás megjelenítése / Show source command
Varázsló újraindítása / Restart the Wizard command
Tulajdonságok / Properties command
Panoráma tulajdonságok / Panoramic properties command
Megjegyzések / Notes command
'Hotspots' / Hotspots command
Minőség javítása / Improve quality command
Finomhangolás / Fine tune command
Finomhangolás eltávolítása / Clear fine tuning command
Újratűzés / Restitch command
Újrakeverés / Reblend command
Automatikus keverés / Automatically blend overlaps command
Átlapolások keverése most / Blend overlaps now command
Átlapolási tartomány / Overlap region > Megnyitás / Open command
Átlapolási tartomány / Overlap region > Alapértelmezett visszaállítása / Reset default shape command
Következő kép vagy varrat / Next image or seam command
Előző kép vagy varrat / Previous image or seam command


Jóváhagyás / Approve command

Use this command to approve the current image processing operation.

Shortcut          Context menu in current image pane



Forrás megjelenítése / Show source command

Use this command to show the source of the current image for the purpose of modifying the computed image. The source image is displayed along with the decorations and/or dialog box that generated the computed image. You can modify the settings and reapprove.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane
Context menu in computed thumbnails pane



Varázsló újraindítása / Restart the Wizard command

Use this command to restart the Wizard at any Wizard step on a panorama that you have already stitched.  You can modify any of the Wizard settings and then restitch the panorama.

This command can be applied to any stitched image or any image that is derived from a stitched image.  It places you in the Wizard at the final Wizard step.  You can use the Back button to change any Wizard step, including the one for selecting the stitching method.

To add or remove images or change the order of the images, go back to Wizard step 1/9 – Importálja a képeit / Import your images.  In that Wizard step you can click and drag the images to change their order or use the Képek beszúrása / Add images and Képek eltávolítása / Remove images buttons to add and remove images from your panorama.  See “Wizard step 1/9 – Importálja a képeit / Import your images” in Chapter 3, “Using the Stitching Wizard to make a panorama” for more information.

When you complete the Wizard, The Panorama Factory restitches the panorama, replacing the existing panorama with the restitched one.  Other images that are derived from the stitched image are updated accordingly.

If you cancel the Wizard, the images will remain unchanged.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane
Context menu in computed thumbnails pane



Tulajdonságok / Properties command

Use this command to view and edit the properties of the image. This command runs the Kép tulajdonságok / Image properties dialog box.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane
Context menu in computed thumbnails pane
Context menu in imported thumbnails pane



Panoráma tulajdonságok / Panoramic properties command

Use this command to view and edit the panoramic properties of the image. This command runs the Panoráma kép tulajdonságok / Panoramic image properties dialog box.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane
Context menu in computed thumbnails pane
Context menu in imported thumbnails pane



Megjegyzések / Notes command

Use this command to view and edit the title and description of the image. This command runs the Megjegyések a képhez / Notes for image dialog box. This dialog box displays an edit window in which you can keep track of any notes that you want to record with the image. For example, you might want to use this note to indicate which is the final image for printing or which should be used for a web thumbnail. The Panorama Factory displays the title above the image thumbnail.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane
Context menu in computed thumbnails pane
Context menu in imported thumbnails pane



'Hotspots' / Hotspots command

Use this command when you want to add hotspots to your image.  This command opens the 'Hotspot' tulajdonságok / Hotspot properties dialog box.  To learn more, read “Adding hotspots to your panoramas” in Chapter 7, “Making a virtual tour.”



Minőség javítása / Improve quality command

Use this command to recompute the current image by directly sampling the imported images. To learn more about the Minőség javítása / Improve quality command, see “Classic step 6 – Sharpen the resized image” in Chapter 4, “Using the Classic interface, step by step.”

Shortcut          Context menu in current image pane



Finomhangolás / Fine tune command

Use this command to fine tune the image alignment. To learn more about fine tuning, see “Fine tuning the image alignment” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems.”

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane



Finomhangolás eltávolítása / Clear fine tuning command

Use this command to remove the fine tuning of an image.

You can use this command in two ways. If you use it when the stitched image is in the current image pane, The Panorama Factory will remove the fine tuning of all overlap regions.

To remove the fine tuning of one overlap region at a time, you must use the Finomhangolás eltávolítása / Clear fine tuning command when that overlap region is open. To open an overlap region, click the handle at the top or bottom edge of an overlap outline or double-click anywhere on the outline when the stitched image is showing (see the Tűzés / Stitch command). Once the overlap region is open, you can use the Finomhangolás eltávolítása / Clear fine tuning command to remove the fine tuning or correct the fine tuning manually.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane



Újratűzés / Restitch command

Use this command to repeat the stitching of a panoramic image after you change settings on the Kamera tulajdonságok / Camera properties dialog box, Igazítás tulajdonságok / Alignment properties dialog box, Keverés tulajdonságok / Blending properties dialog box or Finomhangolás tulajdonságok / Fine tuning properties dialog box.

This command is available only when you are viewing a panoramic image.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane



Újrakeverés / Reblend command

Use this command to repeat the blending of a panoramic image without restitching it after you change settings on the Keverés tulajdonságok / Blending properties dialog box.

This command is available only when you are viewing a panoramic image.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane



Automatikus keverés / Automatically blend overlaps command

Use this command to enable or disable automatic blending of overlap regions.  A checkmark is shown beside the command if automatic blending is enabled.  When automatic blending is enabled, the panorama is blended each time you edit the boundary of an overlap region.  When automatic blending is disabled, blending is deferred until you select the Átlapolások keverése most / Blend overlaps now command.  Unblended overlap regions are are drawn with dotted lines.

This command is available only when you are viewing a panoramic image.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane



Átlapolások keverése most / Blend overlaps now command

Use this command to blend all unblended overlap regions.

This command is available only when you are viewing a panoramic image with unblended overlap regions.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane



Átlapolási tartomány / Overlap region > Megnyitás / Open command

You can use this command to open the selected overlap region and display the Átlapolási tartomány / Overlap region dialog box.

This command is available only when a single overlap region is selected.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane



Átlapolási tartomány / Overlap region > Alapértelmezett visszaállítása / Reset default shape command

This command resets the selected overlap regions to their default shapes after you have edit their boundaries.

This command is available when one or more overlap regions are selected.

Shortcuts         Context menu in current image pane



Következő kép vagy varrat / Next image or seam command

When viewing an imported or computed image, use this command to close the current image and open the one to its right in the thumbnail list.

When viewing an overlap area of a stitched image use this command to close the current overlap region and open the one to its right.

Shortcuts         ALT+RIGHTARROW
Context menu in current image pane



Előző kép vagy varrat / Previous image or seam command

When viewing an imported or computed image, use this command to close the current image and open the one to its left in the thumbnail list.

When viewing an overlap area of a stitched image use this command to close the current overlap region and open the one to its left.

Shortcuts         ALT+LEFTARROW
Context menu in current image pane


© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007