Proprietà fotocamera / Camera properties dialog box

You use the Proprietà fotocamera / Camera properties dialog box to describe the camera you used to capture the images.

Tipo fotocamera / Camera type:
Correzione distorsione / Correct barrel distortion
Correzione vignettatura / Correct brightness falloff
Proiezione / Projection
Carica impostazioni da un profilo: / Load settings from profile:
Note for users of V3.0


Tipo fotocamera / Camera type:

35mm / 35mm — Select this option if you used a 35mm camera and scanned negatives, transparencies or prints.

Scansione pellicola APS / APS film scan — Select this option if you used an APS camera and scanned full frame negatives or transparencies.

Stampa APS hdtv / APS hdtv print — Select this option if you used an APS camera and scanned HDTV format prints (APS H).

Stampa APS classica / APS classic print — Select this option if you used an APS camera and scanned Classic format prints (APS C).

Stampa APS panoramica / APS panoramic print — Select this option if you used an APS camera and scanned Panoramic format prints (APS P).

Fotocamera digitale / Digital camera — Select this option if you used a point-and-shoot digital camera.

Reflex digitale / Digital SLR — Select this option if you used a digital camera with interchangeable lenses.

Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa equivalenza 35mm / Other digital camera -- using 35mm equivalent — Select this option if you used a digital camera that is not in the camera library and you know (or can guess) the 35mm equivalent focal length.  If you are unfamiliar with the term “35mm equivalent focal length,” please read “What is ‘35mm equivalent focal length?’” at

Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa fattore di moltiplicazione / Other digital camera -- using focal length multiplier — Select this option if you used a digital SLR that is not in the camera library and you know the focal length multiplier for your camera.  The focal length multiplier is a number that relates the focal length of the lens to its 35mm equivalent.

Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa dimensione sensore / Other digital camera -- using sensor dimensions — Select this option if you used a digital SLR that is not in the camera library and you know the dimensions of the imaging sensor (CCD or CMOS array).

Fotocamera panoramica / Swing lens or rotational camera Select this option if you used a swing lens or rotational panoramic camera.

Altra dimensione pellicola / Other film size Select this option if you used some other type of camera (e.g. medium format).

Marca / Make and Modello / Model
If you selected Fotocamera digitale / Digital camera or Reflex digitale / Digital SLR choose your camera's Marca / Make (manufacturer) and Modello / Model from the drop down lists.

            If your digital camera is not available, you should choose one of the following camera types instead:

Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa equivalenza 35mm / Other digital camera -- using 35mm equivalent

Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa fattore di moltiplicazione / Other digital camera -- using focal length multiplier

Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa dimensione sensore / Other digital camera -- using sensor dimensions

Dimensione pellicola / Film dimensions
If you selected Altra dimensione pellicola / Other film size enter the width and height of the film image in millimeters.

            If you selected Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa dimensione sensore / Other digital camera -- using sensor dimensions enter the dimensions of the imaging sensor (CCD or CMOS array).

            For 35mm / 35mm and APS cameras, the width and height of the film image is displayed for your information.

            The film dimensions controls are not needed for other types of cameras.

Lunghezza focale moltiplicatore / Focal length multiplier
If you selected Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa fattore di moltiplicazione / Other digital camera -- using focal length multiplier, enter your camera’s focal length multiplier value.  This is a multiplying factor that relates your camera’s true focal length to its 35mm equivalent value.  The focal length multiplier should be printed in the owner’s manual for your camera.

Angolo di campo orizzontale / Horizontal field of view (degrees)
If you selected Fotocamera panoramica / Swing lens or rotational camera, enter the angular width of your images in degrees.  This value is required to compute the field of view of the completed panorama.  It is important to enter an accurate value if you intend to export your images to a VR format or if you wish to use the Perspective projection option.

Unione documenti / Document stitching
You should select this checkbox if you are using the Fotocamera panoramica / Swing lens or rotational camera option to stitch scanned documents as described in some of The Panorama Factory Forum and FAQ articles.  Selecting Unione documenti / Document stitching together with Swing lens or rotational camera disables image warping and enables you to stitch your documents without entering a value for the field of view.

Lunghezza focale / Focal length

Automatico / Automatic
Select this checkbox to request The Panorama Factory to determine the focal length automatically.

Lunghezza focale / Focal length
Enter the focal length of the lens in millimeters.

            If you selected an APS camera, enter the actual focal length.  DO NOT enter the 35mm equivalent focal length.

            If you selected Reflex digitale / Digital SLR, Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa fattore di moltiplicazione / Other digital camera -- using focal length multiplier or Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa dimensione sensore / Other digital camera -- using sensor dimensions, enter the actual focal length.  DO NOT enter the 35mm equivalent focal length.

            If you selected Fotocamera digitale / Digital camera or Altra fotocamera digitale -- usa equivalenza 35mm / Other digital camera -- using 35mm equivalent, enter the 35mm equivalent focal length focal length.

            You don't need to specify the focal length for swing lens or rotational cameras.

            If you are unfamiliar with the term “35mm equivalent focal length” please read “What is ‘35mm equivalent focal length?’” at

            If you do not know the focal length, don’t worry.  Just select Rileva la lunghezza focale / Automatically detect focal length and The Panorama Factory will try to determine the focal length for you.

Sono poco sicuro della lunghezza focale / I guessed the focal lengthThe Panorama Factory will try focal lengths from 50% less than the number you entered to 50% more.

Sono quasi sicuro della lunghezza focale / I am pretty sure of the focal lengthThe Panorama Factory will try focal lengths from 10% less than the number you entered to 10% more.

Sono sicuro della lunghezza focale / I am certain of the focal lengthThe Panorama Factory will use the focal length value you entered without trying to refine its value.

            Please read “Adjusting focal length and barrel correction” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems” for more information about manually adjusting the focal length after stitching.

There is a wide variation in how digital camera manufacturers determine their 35mm equivalent focal length.  For conventional cameras, there is a wide variation in the effects produced by scanning and printing methods.  Finally, focal length specifications are usually only an approximation to the true focal length value.  For these reasons, it is a good idea to use focal length refinement the first time you stitch a panorama with a particular camera, lens and imaging setup even if you are confident that you know the focal length specification.

Accessorio / Accessory lens
Select the Aggiuntivo tele o grandangolo: / Wide angle or tele converter: checkbox if you added a wide angle converter or telephoto converter to the standard lens used on your camera.  Enter the converter’s magnification factor into the entry field.

            Wide angle converters have a magnification factor that is less than 1.  Telephoto converters have a magnification factor that is greater than 1.  The Panorama factory will adjust for the magnification factor when it refines the focal length value.



Correzione distorsione / Correct barrel distortion
If your camera and lens combination exhibit barrel (or pincushion) distortion, you can use these controls to correct it.

Automatico / Automatic — Select this checkbox if you want The Panorama Factory to automatically determine the barrel distortion correction.

Quantità / Amount — Enter the amount of correction (if you did not select the Automatico / Automatic checkbox).  Barrel and pincushion distortion are characterized by the percentage change in magnification from the center to the nearest edge of the image.  With barrel distortion, the magnification is smaller at the edges than at the center of the image, so you use small negative numbers (‑10% is a large correction) to correct barrel distortion.  With pincushion distortion, the magnification is larger at the edges than at the center of the image, so you use small positive numbers (10% is a large correction) to correct pincushion distortion.  To disable the correction, enter zero.

             barrel distortion                      pincushion distortion
     requiring ‑10% correction           requiring 10% correction

            It is usually best to choose Automatico / Automatic correction and, if necessary, adjust the value later.  See “Adjusting focal length and barrel correction” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems” for more information about manually adjusting the barrel correction after stitching.

            NOTE:  Correcting barrel distortion will increase the time required to compute your panorama.



Correzione vignettatura / Correct brightness falloff
If your camera and lens combination exhibit brightness falloff in the corners you can use these controls to correct it.

Automatico / Automatic — Select this checkbox if you want The Panorama Factory to automatically determine the brightness falloff correction.

Quantità / Amount — Enter the percentage of brightness reduction in the corners as compared with the center of the image.  For example, value of 30 means that the corners are 30% less bright than the center (approximately one half stop).  To disable the correction, enter zero.

Grandezza / Size — Enter the spread of the falloff outward from the corners of the image, expressed as a percentage.  The value roughly represents the amount of the image affected by the falloff.  For example, a value of 10 means that approximately 10% of the image is affected by the falloff.  Because brightness falloff is gradual, this is only a rough expression of the coverage, not a precise measurement.

            It is usually best to choose Automatico / Automatic correction and, if necessary, adjust the values later.  See “Adjusting exposure matching and brightness falloff” in Chapter 6, “Correcting stitching problems” for more information about manually adjusting the barrel correction after stitching.

            NOTE:  Correcting brightness falloff will increase the time required to compute your panorama.



Proiezione / Projection
This sets the type of projection (warping) used by The Panorama Factory to make the images fit together seamlessly.

            In Proiezione cilindrica / Cylindrical projection, the image is first mapped onto the surface of a cylinder and then the cylinder is unrolled. See
for a nice schematic drawing of cylindrical projection.

            What The Panorama Factory calls a Proiezione sferica / Spherical projection is more correctly termed “equirectangular projection.” The horizontal coordinate is the longitude and the vertical coordinate is the latitude. See
for more information about equirectangular projection.

NOTE: There is no guarantee that these web addresses will remain valid over time.  If they are no longer valid, please visit this same web page at The Panorama Factory website to check for updates:

            Swing-lens cameras (e.g. Noblex, Widelux, Horizon) and rotational cameras (e.g. Cirkut, Roundshot, Panoscan) produce cylindrical projections. In these cameras, the film is effectively bent into a cylinder within the camera when the film is exposed.

            Spherical (equirectangular) projections can't be produced in a physical camera because the film would need to be bent in two axes at the same time. That is, the film would have to be bent onto a section of a sphere.

            Certain image viewers may require a particular type of projection or may accept both types.

            Both types of projection can represent a full 360 degree horizontal field of view.

            However, cylindrical projection cannot reproduce the full 180 degree vertical field of view from floor to ceiling without using an infinitely tall piece of paper!  For this reason, full 180x360 viewers usually require spherical (equirectangular) panoramic projection.

            Each type of projection produces its own characteristic distortions.  When preparing images for printing or for online display as an image file only, the choice of Proiezione cilindrica / Cylindrical projection or Proiezione sferica / Spherical projection is largely an esthetic choice.



Carica impostazioni da un profilo: / Load settings from profile:
Select a profile from this dropdown list to load all settings that apply to the current tool dialog box.

Salva impostazioni in un profilo... / Save settings to a profile...
Select this button to activate the Salva impostazioni in un profilo / Save settings to a profile dialog box.   You can save the current settings to an existing profile or create a new profile to hold the settings.

To learn more, see the Organizza profili / Profile organizer dialog box and the Salva impostazioni in un profilo / Save settings to a profile dialog box in Chapter 13, “Dialog boxes.”



Note for users of V3.0

Starting with V3.1, the values for barrel correction and falloff correction are expressed as percentages.  Prior to V3.1 they were expressed as decimal fractions. Only the scale of the displayed numbers was changed, not their meaning.  To convert V3.0 values to V3.1, simply multiply by 100.  The values stored in project files created with V3.0 are automatically converted when loaded into The Panorama Factory V3.1 (and thereafter).

To read more about the definition of the correction values, see the sections “Correzione distorsione / Correct barrel distortion” and “Correzione vignettatura / Correct brightness falloff” on this page.


© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007