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Trouble report 562

Stitch with "Document/Manual" resets Wizard's focal length to 1000mm or larger

Versions affected

4.0 - 4.2


Stitching with the Manual option selected under Document stitching on Wizard step 2 (Choose stitching method) does not use the focal length setting in the Wizard. It skips Wizard step 3 (Describe your camera) because camera settings are not needed for document stitching.  This is correct behavior.

However, the next time you perform a photo stitch, the focal length setting has been reset to 1000mm or sometimes even larger than 1000mm. This is incorrect behavior.  When the focal length is larger than 1000mm, The Panorama Factory displays the message

Please enter a number between 1 and 1000.

Unfortunately,  if Automatically detect focal length is set, it is not possible to change the focal length value. The error message is displayed repeatedly if you attempt to turn off Automatically detect focal length.


  1. Turn off Automatically detect focal length.

  2. Click Ok when told to Please enter a number between 1 and 1000.

  3. Drag the Wizard pane to change its docking state. I.e. if it is docked, drag it off the dock so that it is floating. Or if it it floating, drag it to the edge of the window to dock it.

  4. This causes the focal length field to become enabled so that you can enter a value that is between 1 and 1000.


Corrected in V4.3.

Revised: May 29, 2006

© 1999-2006 Smoky City Design, LLC and John Strait