Save Image As dialog box

When you use the Save current image as... command (File menu) to save the current image, the Save Image As dialog box provides additional options to let you to specify the dimensions and resolution of the saved image.

Save as type
File size
Web page
Thumbnail index


Save as type
Selects among the file types supported by The Panorama Factory.

JPEG settings...
Opens a dialog box that contains controls specific to the output format.  For example, the JPEG settings dialog box controls the JPEG image quality and compression amount.

Image properties...
Opens the Image properties dialog box for the current image.  This is a convenience feature that permits you to update image resolution if you need to before saving the image.

 Panoramic image properties...
Opens the Panoramic image properties dialog box for the current image.  This is a convenience feature that permits you to update field of view, etc. if you need to before saving the image.

 Title & description...
Opens the Notes for image dialog box.  This is a convenience feature that permits you to enter the image title and/or description before saving the image file.  The title and description are used by the web page templates.



File size
Controls creation and update of web pages containing your images.  These options may be time consuming for certain file types.

Compute file size — Computes and displays the image file size for the currently selected output format and settings.

Automatically resize: — Selecting this checkbox and entering a value into the text field causes The Panorama Factory to enforce a maximum image file size when saving.  It will resize your image to a smaller size if necessary to achieve the requested size.  The resulting image file may be somewhat smaller than the requested size.



Web page
Controls creation and update of web pages containing your images.

No web page — Choose this option if you do not wish to create a web page.

Create new web page from template — Choose this option to create a new web page containing the image.

Update existing web page — Choose this option to update an image that you previously saved into a web page.  You may update the image with a different file type from the one originally used, but the image file name must match the name originally saved to the web page.

Web page to create or update — Enter the web page file name or use the Browse... button to select a file.  When creating a web page, you may leave this field blank to create a web page whose name matches the image file name.

Template for new web pages — Select the template file to use for creating new web pages.

Preview — Displays a sample of the web template in your computer’s web browser.  The sample includes nonsense text as placeholders for the image title and description.  A plain rectangle is shown as a placeholder for the image itself.

View in browser after saving — Select this checkbox to automatically open the web page in your computer’s web browser after creating or updating.



Thumbnail index
Controls creation and update of web pages containing thumbnail images.

Insert thumbnail into index page — Select this checkbox to create a thumbnail at the same time the main image is saved.  The thumbnail will be inserted into a thumbnail index web page.  If the thumbnail image is already present in the page, it will be updated.

Create new thumbnail index... — Opens the Thumbnail index properties dialog box to create a new thumbnail index.

Thumbnail index page — Enter the file name of an existing thumbnail index web page or use the Browse... button to select a file.  The attributes of the selected thumbnail index page are shown below this text field.

Change thumbnail settings... — Reopens the Thumbnail index properties dialog box to change the attributes of the selected thumbnail index page.


© 1999-2009, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: March 6, 2009