Bild drehen / Rotate image dialog box

The Bild drehen / Rotate image dialog box controls the rotation angle for the Drehen / Rotate command (Neues Bild / New image menu).

Bildrotationswinkel / Image rotation
Enter the image rotation angle in degrees.

im Uhrzeigersinn / Clockwise
Select this radio button to rotate clockwise.

entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn / Counter clockwise
Select this radio button to rotate counter-clockwise.

Groß genug für das gedrehte Bild / Fit rotated image
Select this radio button to set the size of the result image to include the entire rotated image without cropping.

So groß wie das Quellbild / Same as source image
Select this radio button to keep the result image the same size as the unrotated source image.

Einstellungen aus einem Profil laden / Load settings from profile:
Select a profile from this dropdown list to load all settings that apply to the current tool dialog box.

Einstellungen in einem Profil speichern... / Save settings to a profile...
Select this button to activate the Einstellungen in einem Profil speichern / Save settings to a profile dialog box.   You can save the current settings to an existing profile or create a new profile to hold the settings.

To learn more, see the Profilverwaltung / Profile organizer dialog box and the Einstellungen in einem Profil speichern / Save settings to a profile dialog box in Chapter 13, “Dialog boxes.”

© 1999-2007, Smoky City Design, LLC
Updated: April 6, 2007